Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Somehow I got used to the mumbling, not as bad as I in itially thought. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. You are commenting using your Twitter account. I say skepta cos he mentions all the streets albums in his lyrics. He switched it up and made the tune suit him. Gotye, Guetta, Tulisa [Live Mashup]: prangin out remix

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Skepta was alrite but he never really ripped it. Notify me of new posts via email.


You can hear it exclusively through Myspace here. Unless it's music-related, in which case I'm damn well right.

I say skepta cos he mentions all the streets albums in his lyrics. Ohh, sends a shiver Notify me of new comments via email. Somehow I got used to the mumbling, not as bad as I in itially thought.

Has anyone seen the video yet? Bigg Bigg Tune, I think Friscoo Takes thiss oneee… i think devilman flowed nicelyyy, sutin uniquee. Surprisingly Skepta got this one. Image resizer by SevenSkins.

The streets prangin out remix download

The time now is Results 1 to 11 of Personally Ghetts ripped it up. Please treat it accordingly. You are parngin using your WordPress. Crazy metaphors but Ghetts flow got it for me to be honest. Remember it features, skepta tinchy ghetts bossman devilman and da wretchroboy wretch 32 myself lol who took it………….

prangin out remix

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here You are commenting using your Facebook account. December 13, Remember it features, skepta tinchy ghetts bossman devilman and da wretchroboy wretch 32 myself lol who took it………….

prangin out remix

I agree with whoever it was that said it doesn't fit the music, it's not as good as the album version. He shambles on and mumbles some poetry, doesn't fit the music.

prangin out remix

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Frisco was the best hands prangij. This forum is powered by vBulletin software vBulletin Solutions Inc. You are commenting using your Google account.

Torrent The Streets Prangin Out Remix

Yeah I quite like it too Follow me on twitter RT Wretch Album version is still the better track. I mean there's been a lot in the press about it recently, and it seems like there should be summat about it here in the alternative forum?

Frisco and Bossman rip this. Alternate version of the new Streets single featuring the infamous Mr. This site uses cookies. Gotye, Guetta, Tulisa [Live Mashup]:


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